Update the dongle driver for Windows 8.1 The flowing will also work for other Windows operating systems such as Windows 7 and Vista, Overview Windows 8.1 can automatically install the wrong driver, this can occur after upgrading from Windows 8.0 or on a new installation. The problem can also be caused by installing a version of seaPro that does not support Windows 8.1. For Windows 8.,12 support you need to be using 10.154/9.154 or higher, if you have version 9 or 10 you can download a maintenance update here. http://www.euronav.co.uk/Downloads/DownloadStart.htm To fix the problem - two options 1.Downnload latest driver from the hardware supplier (quickest solution) Download can be found here (If moved go to http://www.safenet-inc.com/ and then the support option and look for HASP drivers) Then select HASP/LDK GUI Run time. Note: this might be a later version than that offered by the Microsoft Windows update
If above fails to rectify the problem, repeat the above but after rebooting the computer don't insert the dongle, instead re-install seaPro (10.154/9.154or higher). Then re-insert the dongle and start seaPro
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