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Add digital charting to your own application in a matter of days...

The OEM kit allows you to incorporate a fully feature charting system into your Microsoft based application via a standard dll.



Key features

Displaying of charts on screen in a single or multiple windows
Chart management , folios, chart selection etc
Tidal height calculations
Options to support multiple chart formats including S57
Protects you own program from being copied via hardware protection
Reduces years of development work to a few days
Option to support overlays
Uses standard Microsoft dll, so compatible with most programming language that can use 'c' compatible dll's

The kit has been designed to allow a simple application programming interface (API), hiding behind a massive amount of software technology.

Buffered by the powerful library calls, changes and additions to the euronav charting system are invisible to your program - you just enjoy the new benefits of new chart formats etc as they become available.

The kit is ideal for low or high volume applications, call for pricing for volume users.

If you need your application to serve charts up over the web, then the Web server kit is an available option for you - and is used by some of the leading tracking products. Note: For web site use an additional licence/agreement is required between you and the chart data owners (Hydrographic Offices).

Samples for both managed (.net) and umanaged code (C++,MFC etc) Not reccomended for unmanaged Visual Basic projects.

A demo CD is available that allows you to develop you product using all the features, but limited to the supplied demo charts.

Before shipping to end users you will need to purchase the kit and run time licence (controlled by a hardware dongle).

No product will be shipped without Euronav Navigation’s receipt of the signed Licence Agreement and payment in full. The Euronav OEM development products are Licence based, that Licence is non-transferable.

Download a demo

Comprehensive examples with source code that can form the basis of your own application C++ or Microsoft .net (managed C++ example )
Option for web based server for fleet tracking systems etc.
Wide range of charts, both vector and raster available
Tailor the type of facilities, when you ship, so you don't pay for features you don't need. Customers can be upgrade by phone or email.
You don't need to apply to Hydrographic Office to use their formats or pay the required yearly subscriptions
Hardware dongle meets the licensing requirements of the Hydrographic Offices (ARCS, S57 and Livecharts)
Network security dongle's available for multi-user systems


Standard SDK kit shipment licence CDK-DLL

Charting Development Kit for Web servers (CDK-JPG)
OEM kit generates JPEG images for use in WWW or similar environments:


Upgrade to latest OEM kit including upgrade of the test development dongle £195
User Licenses: For all products created using Euronav CDKs or under the terms of the Full Format Licence, a User Licence is required for each unit the OEM ships. The user licence is managed by a hardware dongle that meets all the requirements of the data/chart providers .

Demo version can be shipped without restrictions

The licence are available to support various features and can be upgraded in
the field by unlock codes (phone or email)

Product - feature
Price in £/per dongle
Upgrade to latest version
Standard Vector (excluding s57)
Livechart and standard overlay

S57 support (add to one of the above) includes encoded (S63/ENC) and un-encoded S57.

Plus version, advanced multiple overlay + overzoom etc
Supports Raster and Vector chart formats inc S57
To upgrade a dongle feature, cost is the difference between the two levels at the 1-9 prices
Networked system - please call